Relief for Noto


Voluntary Architects’ Network + Shigeru Ban Architects inspected evacuation centers and proposed the construction of a paper log house as a response to the earthquake that struck the Noto region on May 5, 2023.


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June 3rd - 4th, 2023 Construction of a paper log house / 紙のログハウス建設

isited a residence in the Shosoin district that is scheduled for demolition. The main house is 80 years old, with a number of additions, and was decided to be demolished due to the extensive damage caused by the recent earthquake. Since the current water supply, including toilets, could be used, we proposed the construction of one paper log house constructed in Turkey in the yard in front of the house. On the other hand, we also learned that people continue to live in houses that have been assessed as dangerous, and that many buildings, even if they have not collapsed, have sustained significant structural damage and are being demolished.
The students from Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Shibaura Institute of Technology,and Keio University SFC participated in the construction from June 3rd to 4th. The paper log house constructed for 13 hours.

建設には金沢工業大学、芝浦工業大学、慶応大学SFCの学生も参加し6月3〜4日にわたり現地で建設を行った。3.6m x 6mの紙のログハウスを計13時間かけて建設した。

May 16, 2023 Inspection of the Shelter / 避難所の視察

We met with Mr. Izumiya, Mayor of Suzu City, at the Suzu Municipal Shoin Community Center, which serves as an evacuation center. A paper partition system (Paper Partition System) has been installed here. Until recently, a nearby elementary school had been used as an evacuation center and one-touch tents had been installed, but the tents felt cramped due to the close ceilings. The mayor said that they will start considering temporary housing, but there are concerns about whether the transition to temporary housing will be successful, as few survivors are willing to leave their current homes.

ここには避難所用・紙の間仕切りシステム(Paper Partition System)が設置されている。先日まで近隣の小学校が避難所となっていたが、こちらへ移転した。小学校ではワンタッチ式のテントが設置されたが、テントだと天井が近くて窮屈に感じたとのこと。

May 16, 2023 Inspection of the damage / 被災状況の視察

On May 16, we made an inspection tour to Suzu City, which was damaged by the earthquake.
In the district of Shoin Town, several buildings were found to be completely destroyed.
On the other hand, we also learned that people continue to live in houses that have been assessed as dangerous, and that many buildings, even if they have not collapsed, have sustained significant structural damage and are being demolished.


All photos by Voluntary Architects’ Network

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