Relief for Turkey and Syria


Voluntary Architects’ Network + Shigeru Ban Architects have provided Paper Partition System (PPS) in evacuation centers in Antakya and Mersin, as well as Paper Log Houses (PLH) in Antakya, in response to the Turkey-Syria earthquake that occurred on February 26, 2023. PPS is a simple partition system to ensure privacy for inhabitants in evacuation centers, and this has been used in numerous evacuation centers in regions hit by disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011), Kumamoto Earthquake (2016), Hokkaido Earthquake (2018), and torrential rain in southern Kyushu (2020). PPS has also been installed in evacuation centers in neighboring countries of Ukraine for people who have lost their homes due to the Russian invasion in 2022. The temporary housing (PLH) assembled for the affected area in Antakya in the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake is an improved version from the previous type, taking into consideration of efficiency and minimizing construction time at site.

2023年2月26日に起きたトルコ・シリア地震に被害を受けたアンタキヤやメルシンにおいて、紙管を用いた仮設住宅や紙の間仕切りシステム(PPS)を提供した。今回アンタキヤの支援では、1999年にトルコ北西部で建てたログハウスに改良を加えている。基礎には砂袋入りのビールケースを用い、1.2mおきに配置した紙管の柱の間には木製パネルで壁を作ることで、耐震性能を確保しつつ短工期で建設できるものとした。 屋根は紙管フレームの上に穴を開けた合板を載せており、建設時にはその穴から体を出して作業できるため、高所に登ることなく安全に作業できる。また寒冷地であることから壁や屋根にも十分な断熱を加えている。

Voluntary Architects’ Network calls on your support in our relief.
Donations made to the following account below, are very much appreciated.

Supported by

--------Mozaik Design--------- --------Berteks Tekstil------------


---Yaman Erturan--- Murat ERDEBİL --------
--Selda Kapucu--- -----Funda Can Atabay----- ------
--Mauricio Morales Beltran--- ---Ecenur Kızılörenli--- --------Jerzy Latka--------
--Tuğçe Arı--- ---Ezgi Nalci--- ------

May 4, 2023

Bohsin, Antakya, Hatay Province / ハタイ県アンタキヤ郊外ボシン

All photos by Voluntary Architects’ Network

March 30, 2023

As a response to the 1999 earthquake which occurred in northwestern Turkey, Voluntary Architects’ Network + Shigeru Ban Architects had previously supported temporary housing using paper tubes. The new temporary housing for those affected by the recent Turkey-Syria earthquake is an improved version from the previous type, taking into consideration of efficiency and minimizing construction time at site.

The foundation is composed of beer crates filled with sand bags, and wooden panels are used to build the walls between the paper tube columns, placed at every 1.2 meters. This enables construction to be carried out in a short period of time. The roof is made of paper tube frames and plywood decking, and large holes are cut out on the plywood to ensure safety during construction, allowing people to work from the hole instead of climbing on top of the roof. Due to the cold climate, adequate insulation is also added to the floor, walls, and roof.


All photos by Voluntary Architects’ Network

March 05, 2023

The installation process at the Field Hospital, Antakya.

All photos by Mauricio Morales Beltran

March 05, 2023

The installation process at IBB, Antakya.

All photos by Mauricio Morales Beltran

March 02, 2023

Installation process in Yenisehir Indoor Sports Hall, Mersin, Turkey

All photos by İrem Su Eliaçık

March 01, 2023

Paper tubes brought to Yenisehir Indoor Sports Hall, Mersin

February 28, 2023

Prototype of PPS installed in Konfida, Bursa.

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