JR Tazawako Station / JR田沢湖駅

Senboku, Akita / 秋田県仙北市

The curved plan of this transparent building opens onto to a plaza, and a gentle vault is expressed on the main facade. To minimize cost and construction time (which was limited to seven months), inexpensive precast concrete piles were utilized, erasing the need for structural piles. The columns are arranged in rows, distributing the vertical loads and supporting the huge roof. The piles are fixed to the foundation and cantilever off of it. The tops of the piles are connected to the main beams by pin joints. The original plan for using laminated timber to express the imposed moment on the beam system that employed 1.6cm thick steel plates to take the loads. These plates are sandwiched between short laminated timber panels to provide stiffness. The difference between the rectangular roof and the arc formed by the columns creates a huge entrance canopy. The cantilever of the roof beams becomes more exaggerated toward the center, and the beam depth at the column heads thus increases proportionally.


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