WORKS - Disaster Relief Projects

PAPER PARTITION SYSTEM- Fukuoka, Japan, 2005 Fujisawa, Japan, 2006

避難所用 間仕切りシステム2,3- 福岡市,2005 藤沢市,2006


When the Fukuoka earthquake struck in 2005, ten years had passed since the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake, the last time a seismic intensity was recorded over 6 in a large Japanese city. The main issue in the first phase at evacuation sites is the high density of refugees. Privacy is needed due to the lack of close relationships between neighbors in everyday life. Simple cardboard sheets were offered for insulation and to create a border between families. The cardboard was only used to cover the floor in early crowded times; after the population decreased, the cardboard was used to create partitions for night time privacy.





Constant revision was done whenever large earthquakes occurred in Japan, aiming to fit the needs of evacuation sites since the first attempt made in Niigata (2004). After the project in Fukuoka, wall structures that had been honeycomb boards were changed to a strut-beam structure using paper tubes that can be furnished faster and conveniently at any site, with white cloth for partitions. The joints were made of plywood, and ropes were used for braces .For flexible partitioning depending on the family size, the modularized unit dimensions were standardized at 180cm. For administration, it is impossible to forecast partition needs, so low cost and high speed were the priorities in developing this partition system.

通常、プレファブ住宅が完成するまでの数カ月間、被災者は体育館などの大空間での雑魚寝を余儀なくされ、まったく プライバシーのない生活を送らなければならない。そこで避難所用間仕切りシステム1(新潟県中越地震復興支援)と避難所用間仕切りシステム2(福岡県西方沖地震復興支援)に改良が重ねられた。壁部分に使用していたハニカムボードに代わり、緊急時でもより早く、より安く入手できる紙管によるフレーム式とし、壁部分には布を使っている。紙管のジョイントは、合板を組み合わせてつくり、そこに筋交いとしてロープを掛けるという単純なシステムである。紙管の長さは柱も梁も共通した180cmとし、家族の人数により必要なサイズに合わせられるようにモジュール化した。間仕切りシステムを事前に行政がストックしておくことはほぼ不可能であるので、地震が起きた直後に材料が短時間に安価で用意でき、簡単に組み立てられるシステムとして開発された。

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