Shigeru Ban ―Architecture and Humanitarian Activities
坂 茂 建築の考え方と作り方

Art Tower Mito / 水戸芸術館 現代美術ギャラリー

Entrance and Paper Tea House / 入口と紙の茶室
Pictures / 紙管で区切り、紙管建築等の変遷を展示
Hannover EXPO Japan Pavilion (1/15 scale) / ハノーバー万博日本館の巨大模型
Temporary Elementary School (full scale) / 中国四川省の仮設校舎を実寸で再現
Paper Partition System / 震災で活躍した避難所用間切りシステム
Atelier for a Glass Artist and Paper Log House / ガラス作家のアトリエと紙のログハウス
Columns and Mock-up / 柱とモックアップ

Photo by Hirai Hiroyuki

Container House (full scale) / コンテナ仮設住宅実寸模型

This is the first large scale individual exhibition, consisting of not only small models images, and photographs, but of full scale installations and mock-ups in which the visitor can actually experience with all five senses. Projects such as the Paper Partition Systems (PPS) used at the disaster stricken areas, temporary elementary school and housing, were partially reconstructed at full scale so that the interior spaces can be experienced as well. The full scale joinery mock-up of the recently completed Tamedia Office Building, fabricated in Switzerland, was also shipped over the Japan to be exhibited.


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