Skolkovo Golf Club House/スコルコボ ゴルフ クラブハウス

Moscow, Russia/モスクワ、ロシア


The Skolkovo Golf Club House is located in the outskirts of Moscow at a premium Golf Course designed by Jack Nicklaus. The building is located on the top edge of the golf course and takes advantage of the expansive views towards the entire course.

The timber structure building is set along the sloping hill with an angled roof of wood shingles set atop the post and beam timber frame. The club house is composed of a 72m long gently curving line of evenly spaced 300mm diameter laminated timber columns that act as a screen to separate the golf course from the approach and entry. 50mm gaps between the columns allow light to penetrate into the interior spaces gives the structure a lightness. The remaining structure is composed of 400mm diameter round columns, 400mm beams, and 500mm deep rafters all in laminated spruce timber.

The plan is stepped so that upon entry into the Club House the expansive panoramic view of the golf course is revealed to visitors as they descend to the main hall which comprises the reception area, golf shop, lounge, and restaurant. The main hall is a continuous glass façade and exterior terrace which again descends to the golfers’ staging area. The spaces under the stepped plan include the bar, locker rooms, and kitchen, with administrative offices, a lounge, and a VIP room nestled under the angled ceiling of exposed timber rafters.

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