Ecuador Project / エクアドルプロジェクト

Manta, Equador/エクアドル マンタ市

Voluntary Architects' Network + Keio University Shigeru Ban Lab + Voluntary Team in Ecuador

Ecuador Earthquake / エクアドル地震

On April 16 at 18:58 ECT Ecuador was hit by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8. Death toll rised to 663 and 28,775 people were displaced from their homes. The most affected area was the coastal Manabi Province where 646 deaths (97%) have resulted. Voluntary Architects’ Network visited Ecuador during April 30 to May 3, 2016 and discussed about the disaster relief projects with local officials and experts. Cities visited during the first visit were Manta and Portoviejo in the Manabi Province.

Fig.1 Areas Affected by Earthquake in Ecuador/ 図1 エクアドル地震による被害エリア

Fig.2 Damaged buildings in Manta/ 図2 マンタ市の倒壊した建物

Visit to the Disaster Areas/被災地訪問

International organizations and NGOs provided aids to some areas, but not all areas were able to receive aids. One case was in down town Manta where people started to build their own tents and community to live and work within the city. Living condition in such places are poor and there are risks that it could eventually become a slum.



Fig. 3 Temporary house built by local residents
図3 住民により建設された仮設シェルター
Fig.4 Interior view of temporary shelter
図4 仮設シェルター内部
Fig. 5 Community Toilet
図5 コミュニティートイレ
Fig. 6 Interviewing the community
図6 仮設シェルターの住民へのインタビュー


Fig. 7 Tents provided by international organizations
図7 国際機関や政府、NGOにより支給されるテント
Fig. 8 Meeting with Mayor of Portoviejo
図8 ポルトビエホ市長との打ち合わせ

Project Overview

The proposed building site is in the heart of downtown Manta along the coast. About 20 families have built up their own shelters (Fig.3,4) and community toilets (Fig.5) after the earthquake but the living condition is poor. These tents will be replaced by new shelters and each family will own their own toilets. We will start the project by providing 20 shelters to the existing community and continue building for other people who have lost their homes. Our goal is to build 100 shelters and they will be built by local volunteers consisting of architectural students and architects.


Fig. 9 Building site in Manta/ 図9 マンタ市の建設予定地
Fig. 10 View of building site in Manta/ 図10 建設予定地
Fig. 11 Meeting with deans of 19 architecture faculties of different universities and the Japanese ambassador to Ecuador/ 図11 19の大学の建築学部長と在エクアドル日本大使との打ち合わせ
Fig. 12 Meeting with local architects who will be the core members of the project/ 図12 現地建築家との打ち合わせ

Temporary House Design/仮設住宅のデザイン

he design of the temporary house was based on the Paper Loghouse in the Philippines as the weather condition in coastal Ecuador is Tropical and similar to that of the Philippines. Some revisions were made to make the structure stronger. Local materials were selected to match the local conditions and to reduce the building cost.


Fig. 13 Sketch of temporary house/ 図13 仮設住宅のスケッチ

Fig. 14 Sketch of toilet/ 図14 トイレのスケッチ

Mock-up in Japan/モックアップ(日本)

Made by students of Shigeru Ban Lab at Keio University. The mock-up was used to study details.


Fig. 15 Paper tube structure/ 図15 紙管構造フレーム
Fig. 16 Exterior view/ 図16 外観

Mock-up in Ecuador/モックアップ(エクアドル)

Made by local architects and students in Quito using local materials


Fig. 17 Testing floor panels/ 図17 床パネルのテスト
Fig. 18 Cutting bamboo sheets/ 図18 竹シートの裁断
Fig. 19 Paper tube structure/ 図19 紙管構造フレーム
Fig. 20 Exterior view/ 図20 外観

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  • Supporters and Collaborators

    Embassy of Japan in Ecuador
    Bienal Panamericana de Arquitectura de Quito
    Empresa Pública de Vivienda
    Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad humana
    Grupo Wong, La Favorita
    Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador
    Carmal Hats Casa del Sombrero
    Japan Eyes
    Fundación Guayasamín
    Fundación Iglesia de La Compañía


    Fig. 1: Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo
    Fig. 2-8, 11-16: Voluntary Architects' Network
    Fig. 9, 10: Google Map
    Fig. 17-20: acción colectiva and Carolina Rodas

    © 2017 Shigeru Ban Architects All Rights Reserved