This is a timber temporary housing project constructed in the aftermath of the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024. Designed with permanent use in mind, the houses were built using Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT)—where panels made by connecting lumber with wooden dowels are assembled into box shapes and stacked in a staggered manner, enabling rapid construction. Typically, temporary housing is provided for two years. However, this project is designed to allow the housing to be used as permanent residences. Nine housing units with 135 households, in a park near Mitsukejima in Suzu City, and three units with 31 households, in Wajima City are being constructed.
2024年1月1日に発生した能登半島地震の被災地において建設した恒久的な利用を見据えた木造の仮設住宅。DLT(Dowel Laminated Timber)とよばれる、木材同士に木ダボを貫通させたパネルを、箱型にして千鳥に積むことで、短期間での建設を実現した。一般的な仮設住宅の供与期間は2年間で、その後解体されることになるが、仮設住宅の期間が終了したあとでも解体せずに恒久的な住宅として利用できる計画とした。珠洲市の見附公園に9棟135世帯、輪島市内に3棟31世帯の住宅を建設している。
Construction of DLT permanent temporary housing in Mitsuke-jima, Suzu / 珠洲市見附島におけるDLT恒久仮設住宅の建設
On June 20, 30 households were completed and handed over as part of the nine planned buildings (135 households). The rooms are furnished with furniture and tables. In the room, curtains by artist Tomoko Konoike have also been installed. We asked people who do handicrafts to help us by sewing curtains out of fabrics they had at home and embroidering motifs inspired by Ukrainian poetry.
所在地:石川県珠洲市 見付公園
▶2024年ウッドデザイン賞 最優秀賞(国土交通大臣賞)受賞
見附島DLT仮設住宅 配置図