
The Paper Log House on display at the Glass House in Connecticut, US, from April 15.

Connecticut, US / コネチカット州、アメリカ

Photograph by Michael Biondo

The Paper Log House is on display at the architect Philip Johnson's former estate in New Canaan, Connecticut, from April 15 through December 15, 2024, as part of activities marking the Glass House's 75th anniversary as well as the restoration of the Brick House also completed in 1949.

The idea for this exhibition project was incubated last fall when Ban's partner and former classmate Dean Maltz took him to the Glass House for a tour.

The Paper Log House was originally designed in 1995 as a shelter for victims of the Great Hanshin Earthquake in Kobe, Japan. This time, the house was assembled by 39 architecture students from the Cooper Union, Ban's alma mater, using milk crates filled with sandbags for the foundation instead of beer cases that are usually used in Japan.

How Ban's evolving paper architecture stands next to Johnson's glass and brick constructions across time has been featured in the New York Times. For those subscribing to NYT, please find the article from the link below:
>>>New York Times article

紙のログハウスが、アメリカを代表する建築家フィリップ・ジョンソン(1906 – 2005年)の旧自邸敷地内のグラスハウス横に4月15日より展示されています。

この紙のログハウスは、1995年に阪神大震災の被災者のために建てられた仮設住宅と同じものです。今回、ジョンソンのガラスの家(Glass House, 1949)の竣工75周年およびレンガの家(Brick House, 1949)の復元の記念イベントとして、坂の母校であるクーパー・ユニオンの同窓でパートナー建築家のディーン・モルツの発案で企画が始動し、同校の建築学生39名によって組み立てられました。基礎には通常日本で使われる砂袋を入れたビールケースの代わりに、アメリカで馴染みのある牛乳用のケースが使われています。



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